On Sun, 12 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> Hi. I have windows and Linux Mandrake installed
> in the same HD. I want to have more room for the
> windows partition. Do I have to uninstall linux
> to resize the partitions with FIPS?
Yes, but WHY would you want to do something like give the bloated
beast of Windows more room at the expense of Linux? It should be the
other way around! :-) 
What I'd REALLY suggest is adding another hard drive. Those things
are pretty inexpensive these days, at least by US standards. :-)
Assuming this is your "off-the-shelf" system with one hard drive, I'd
say just move your CDROM up to the secondary IDE channel and make
your new hard drive the primary slave and all should be well with the
world! :-)

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