Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:

>On Tue, 24 Sep 2002 16:18:08 +0100, John Richard Smith
>>Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote,
>>>>Many thanks Sridhar,
>>>>Can I run my results past you again.
>>>>I copied the perl text to a text file called chcase and inserted it
>>>>in /usr/local/bin, as follows,
>>>>root]# cd /usr/local/bin
>>>> bin]# ls
>>>>chcase        divxPlayer*      fsgrab*    lexmarkz53@  mplayer*
>>>>compupic@     divxPlayer.bin*  gmplayer@  lxsetconf@
>>>>cvs_mplayer*  e2recover*       gxset*     mencoder*
>>>>bin]# cd
>>>>root]# chmod 755 chcase
>>>>chmod: failed to get attributes of `chcase': No such file or directory
>>>>I do not understand ?  what attributes ?
>That's strange. Are you still in the directory that contains the chcase file?
Yes,   /usr/local/bin/chcase.

>>root]# # chmod 755 chcase
>The # signifies a root prompt. You are not meant to type it. If you do, it will
>ignore the command.
That's what I thought, but it likes it, without it , rejection. It's odd.

>>It didn't seem to mind,
>>root]# cd /root/Desktop/mont
>>mont]# ls
>>DSCI0001.JPG  DSCI0004.JPG  DSCI0007.JPG  DSCI0010.JPG  DSCI0013.JPG
>>DSCI0002.JPG  DSCI0005.JPG  DSCI0008.JPG  DSCI0011.JPG  DSCI0014.JPG
>>DSCI0003.JPG  DSCI0006.JPG  DSCI0009.JPG  DSCI0012.JPG
>>All present and correct.
>>mont]# chcase
>>bash: /usr/local/bin/chcase: Permission denied
>>So I went to directory mont and gave all the permissions,but,
>>mont]# chcase
>>bash: /usr/local/bin/chcase: Permission denied
>>still permission denied
>>I guess it is something to do with the way the first, chmod 755 chcase
>>was rejected, while,# chmod 755 chcase was accepted , could this be 
>>correct do you think.Note the inclusion of the # 
>>Any further ideas ?
>Make sure chcase is owned by root:
>  # chown root:root /usr/local/bin/chcase
>Then check its permissions:
>  # ls -la /usr/local/bin/chcase
>Leave the # out when typing these (as I have explained above). You should get
>something like:
>  -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         3921 Sep 25  2002 /usr/local/bin/chcase*
>Make sure the permissions are "-rwxr-xr-x" (as above), and that the owner and
>group are root.
[root@localhost root]# chown root:root /usr/local/bin/chcase
[root@localhost root]# ls -la /usr/local/bin/chcase
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         3921 Sep 24 15:29 

This is not working. I suspect something is overriding
the command and changing it back.It seems that
it does not matter if I issue the above command , or go
to the permissions window for  /usr/local/bin/chcase and
insert  x  in the right places. Something removes them.

[root@localhost root]# cd /root/Desktop/mont  (where the .JPG files are 
[root@localhost mont]# chcase
Setuid/gid script is writable by world.

[root@localhost mont]#  ls -la /usr/local/bin/chcase
-rwsrwsrw-    1 root     root         3921 Sep 24 15:29 

This is Wierd,

So lets try again, fresh terminal,

[root@localhost root]# chmod 755 chcase
chmod: failed to get attributes of `chcase': No such file or directory

you don't think maybe it ought to be chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/chcase,
so lets try,

[root@localhost root]# chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/chcase
[root@localhost root]#

that's better,
[root@localhost mont]# chcase

chcase 1.2
chcase [-erdouqnl] [-s <dir>] [-x '<perl exp>'] '<mask>'

       -e       : Print EXAMPLES - very helpful!
       -r       : Rename recursively
       -d       : Also rename subdirectories
       -o       : Overwrite if file exists
       -u       : Change to upper case (default is lower)
       -q       : Quiet mode (no output)
       -n       : No escape characters (for bold output)
       -l       : Rename & follow symbolic links (default is not to)
       -s <dir> : Specify starting directory

-x '<perl exp>' : Perl expression to operate on filename
                  usually s/// or tr///  (yes you need the quotes)
                  case of filename not changed when this option used
                  you can supply multiple expressions

       '<mask>' : Mask to rename  (quotes are nice to have here)
                  not case sensitive, you can use multiple masks
             -or- just supply the filename(s) on the command line

[root@localhost mont]#

now that's a lot better.

So which is the correct option to rename in lower case ?

I will try , since I am in the directory that contains the .JPG files,

[root@localhost mont]# chcase -e

chcase 1.2
 > chcase My.DOC *.JPG FileName.txt
  => these specific files are changed to lower case

 > chcase -rd '*'
  => all files and sub dirs to lower case, start in current dir, recurse

 > chcase -s pics '*.jpg' '*.gif'
  => rename .jpg and .gif files in pics dir to lower case

 > chcase -rous /tmp/junk 'a??b*.txt'
  => starting from /tmp/junk and recursing, change files matching this
     mask to all upper case, overwrite if file exists

 > chcase -x 's/99dec/jan2000/' -x 's/ /_/g' '*.doc'
  => renames *.doc files replacing 99dec with jan2000,
     and replacing all spaces with underscores

 > chcase -x 'tr/a-zA-Z0-9.//cd' -x 's/jpg/jpg/i' '*'
  => removes all non-alphanumeric characters except for '.' and
     changes the pattern "jpg" to lower case if it isn't already

 > chcase -r
  => displays directory structure

So I'm guessing but,

[root@localhost mont]# chcase -rd
[root@localhost mont]#
[root@localhost mont]#
[root@localhost mont]# It seemed to like that, but it didn't work,
 > -s pics '*.jpg'
 > I give up.


well it's certainly not simple. I need time to play around with it.
Needless to say nothing above actually converted the files to lowe case.

John Richard Smith

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