On Sun, 12 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> >%_I'm an newbie.  With lots of help and luck I've got a new partition 
and Mandrake 5.3 installed.  I have very little knowledge of Linux.
I was told my ESS 1869 sound wouldn't work but it's fine set up as
ESS1868 or Soundblaster Pro. I'm hoping to have similar luck with my
printer and modem. Does anyone know if I can run my Compaq IJ900
printer or Rockwell HCF Data Fax PCI modem from Linux. I was hoping
to break away from Win98 over time but if I can't use my hardware
I'll be stuck for a while. 
> Thanx. 
> James  

PLEASE turn off HTML when posting to this list. It's not necessary
and is highly frowned upon.
As for your hardware, the HCF modem is a door-stop as far as Linux is
concerned (can you say "WinModem"???)
And your printer is probably as well. Check

This is the Linux Printer-Compatibility list.

By the way, just for future reference, there's usually SOME reason
something is so inexpensive. The reason hardware vendors like HCF and
WinModems is because they are so cheap due to the fact that they use
SOFTWARE to replace hardware, which is expensive.


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