Andy Goth wrote:
> I need to set runlevel 5 as default for my dad's sake.  That way he can
> log in and shut down the system with ease (he doesn't know any other
> way).  But with kdm, he just clicks his picture and enters his
> password...
> Sometimes, though, I find it necessary to kill X.  How can I do so
> without rebooting into runlevel 3?  Is there a way to stop kdm and X
> after having booted into runlevel 5?

Sure, switch to a text console using Cntrl-Alt-F1, login as root, then
type 'telinit 3'.  That will switch runlevels and do all the necessary
starting/stopping of various daemons.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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