Richard, I don't use a dial up setup but did have fierewall issues initally with 9.0. I uninstalled all the stock firewall tools, shorewall, and didn't use the control center "drake" tools either. instead, I downloaded firestarter and use it. it is very easy for a newbie, and actually works. it even allows NAT connections, so I can share my cable modem with my wife's box. ( again I didn't use the connection sharing tool or firewall tool in control center as it broke my connection to the internet. )

here is the url :

the firestarter there is for LM 9.0

If you have setup any of the built-in firewalling tools, either remove all traces of them, ( unless you can still surf and such ) or don't use them. before someone flames me, I say this because on the four trys to get them to work they kept killing my connection to the internet, or to my LAN and I could not undo them no matter how properly I did it, and would have to reinstall. they even would change my settings to their defaults on reboots. I couldn't find any useful documentation on how I must have set it up improperly or how I may have errors in the settiongs. so I would humbly recommend taking a simple, though not built-in approach. ( my problem maybe hardware or kernel related too )

with firestarter, all my ports show "stealthed "and unwanted packets are rejected, and logged.

I send this because I couldn't find any good help for the drake tools and had to figure out myself how to get a running firewall in place.

I must say though, that this is the first actually running and secure firewall I've had running since 8.0. In 8.1 and 8.2 I could only get a less than perfect firewall running.

anyway again, try it if you dare, it works for me ;-)

Richard Urwin wrote:

OK, I'm a newbie at MDK 9.0 i586 of 5 hours standing.

I installed at the "higher" security setting.
I enabled the Firewall and depressed all the (other) checkboxes.

I then had two issues:
Users (except root) couldn't read the documentation. ie
"start"->Documentation->anything failed with access violation. The
documents in question were readable, but the directories in which they
sat did not have execute permission for 'other'.
The firewall did not appear to let through *any* traffic. I checked with
my ISP that I was connected and authorised, and routing was correct, but
at least ping (UDP/echo?) and DNS traffic were blocked.

I have now reverted to "standard" security and "allow everything"
firewalling. These issues have gone away.

Mike McNeese
currently triple booting win98lite Mandrake versions 8.0 and 8.2
and testing 9.0 Final - Linux registered user # 248955
"If obstacles are all we see, then we've lost sight of our goal!"

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