Hi Daniel,

Well here goes...  I am not on Rogers@home, but our little cable company
here in Vanderhoof, BC (pop.5800) is independant from the big networks. 
But we do use the LanCity Cable Modems.

I'll be brief as possible and write this in point form from the GNOME

Control Panel_Linuxconf_Networking_Basic host information

-- change your machine's host name at this point to be the same as your
Windows computer name, so that you're recognized an no confilts arrise.

-- select the related adapter tab to your NIC

-- make sure the "enabled" option is selected

-- make sure the "dhcp" button is selected

-- Accept

Control Panel_Linuxconf_Networking_Name server specification (DNS)

-- make sure "DNS is required for normal operation" is selected

-- in the "nameserver 1" field, type in your @home network server
address, and any additional optional servers they gave you

-- Accept

from Host Name Serach Path

-- enable "Multiple IP's for one host

-- select "hosts,dns" from the list

-- Accept

-- Quit, Activate

from the Control Panel, click on the Network Icon

-- under the "Names" tab hostname=the anme of your machine

-- "Domain" must be written as Roger's has provided you

-- "Name Servers"  should be the same as the servers you edited in
Linuxconf, if not then edit here and add the correct ones

-- under the "Interfaces" tab make sure your "eth" shows "dhcp" and that
it is "active"

If Rogers' uses a Default Gateway of static origin, as well as static
IP's (although I tink they use DHCP) you can hardwire your NIC to @home
under the "Routing" tab by simply filling in the blanks.

Best Regards,  

(note I was slapped on the wrist once for using HTML mail, gobbles
bandwidth on the list server)

Sean Pritchard
sj.Pritchard Technical Services
Vanderhoof,  BC


Daniel Knapp wrote:
> Does anyone know how to set up Rogers@home cable modem service.  I have
> been able to set up my ethernet card (using tulip), but as of yet, have
> been unable to get my ethernet card to connect (through the Lancity
> cable modem) to the internet.  I am using Mandrake Linux 6.0.
> Thank you,
> daniel
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: (no subject)
> Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 00:45:59 -0400
> From: Daniel Knapp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Organization: @Home Network
> Does anyone know how to set up Rogers@home cable modem service.  I have
> been able to set up my ethernet card (using tulip), but as of yet, have
> been unable to get my ethernet card to connect (through the Lancity
> cable modem) to the internet.

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