Title: Message
Mate, I've seen heaps of different "news tickers" for either Gnome/Gnome2, KDE or even gKrellm - and some that just nicely sit off in a little window somewhere on your desktop...last one I used was with KDE3 - worked like a champ...(If you read the news, you know!) - or you could get creative and build a small html that retrieves the data from news sites and use QTDesigner to make a dockable window for it...
 -----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Bill Winegarden
Sent: Thursday, 7 November 2002 4:57 AM
Subject: [newbie] news ticker

Hi All,
    How's this for a 180. I'm so used to using linux at home that I want it's flexibility and useability in windows, at work.
    My question, is there a similar product to the news ticker (that I use in LM9) for windows? I find it one of the most useful apps for the taskbar. It gives 'at a glance' information on stories that interest me.
    No flames please, I am fighting the fight here at work to get some acceptance for linux and open source. Till I'm successful, I'm forced to use this OS.
Bill W.
"education was never meant to be efficient. It was meant to be difficult, interesting, pleasurable, errant, prodigal in every respect, transgressive, personal, lengthy, demanding and hospitable - but not efficient" - St. Augustine

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