Wanted to share this with everyone, and those who are organizing the
campaign to get some proper drivers in particular. ATI has played dumb
with me so far.(sending me instructions for using windows, directing me
to XFree86 etc.) This is an email I fired off to ATI in response to
their initial bullshit.  I am also forwarding to the list their response
to this email, and mine again in return. This should give everyone a
good idea what to expect from their respective hardware manufacturers. 

On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 16:01, joe wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 00:15, ATI Customer Service Canada wrote:
> > Dear Joe Dennehy,
> Your insulting email assures me that I am not dear to you, nor are any
> of your customers who happen to be linux users. Please do not refer to
> me as "Dear" in the future.
> > Thank you for contacting ATI Customer Service Canada.
> > 
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Your email has been assigned: 
> > TicketGUID:{A1BB1381-F78F-11D6-A536-00508BE22D04}
> > 
> > Please include the above identifier in all future correspondence 
> > relating to this ticket. Note: The TicketGUID identifier must appear 
> > in the message body.
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > The information you are requesting regarding the PC2TV (TV out) feature may be 
>addressed by our online frequently asked questions (FAQ's).  For information on this 
>topic please visit: 
> > 
> > http://www.ati.com/support/faq/pc2tv.html
> No this "may" not help as I have already done all of my research on this
> matter, this is misdirection; as I have already stated it is your lack
> of support for linux operating systems that is my problem
> > If this link does not answer your question(s) or resolve any issue(s) you are 
> > you may also consider using the SEARCH ATI function on our web site.  It can be 
>found at:  
> > 
> > http://www.ati.com/search/index.html
> > 
> > To output the computer display to the TV or VCR for recording purposes, you will 
>want to play your video file Full Screen and enable PC2TV.  
> > 
> > If you would also like to output sound from the computer to the TV, then please 
> > 
> > http://www.ati.com/support/connectors/common/connecttvoutaudio.html
> > 
> > 1024 X 768 TV Output is available using the All-in-Wonder Radeon 7500 and the 
>Radeon 8500 ONLY ( Not the AIW Radeon 8500DV).  You will need to ensure that most 
>current display driver is installed.  The Radeon 8500 display driver can be found at 
> > 
> > All other products ONLY support 800 x 600 TV Output.
> > 
> > If your desktop is set to a higher resolution, you may experience a "virtual 
> > (screen size is larger than the actual screen size and the mouse is needed to 
>scroll around to see everything).  To eliminate this, either disable PC2TV, 
>disconnect the TV, or lower the resolution to a maximum of 800 X 600.
> > 
> > If you are watching a DVD on your television and the picture appears BRIGHT and 
>then DIM, please refer to: 
> > 
> > http://www.ati.com/support/infobase/3095.html
> > 
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Customer Service Canada
> > ATI Technologies, Inc.
> > http://www.ati.com
> Please stop telling me things I know and just admit that you don't care
> about linux users because we don't really have an affect the bottom
> line, so you (or more accurately your bosses) don't mind "giving us the
> finger" Please tell your superior that a few million (potential) linux
> customers are being warned not to buy your products because ATI doesn't
> support open source.Instead go for a Geforce video card I read, anytime
> anyone asks what video cards work with linux. People ARE talking about
> this PUBLICLY on the net, their problems with your hardware are being
> archived. Is ATI forward thinking enough to realize that the open source
> community if going to keep growing? Suppose ATI wrote some fast, stable,
> open_source drivers for their products that enabled ALL of the features
> we paid for and could legally be distributed in an open source
> distribution. This small gesture of goodwill toward the community would
> be paid back in full, I can assure you. Please do not reply to this with
> a form letter, or a: we will get back to you, or: look here for more
> information about linux and ATI products.(I know all about ATI.2 and
> ATITVOUT) I am well informed and would prefer to be ignored than have my
> intelligence insulted again.
> I know EXACTLY how to make my radeon's TV out work in Windows but do not
> care to use proprietary software.

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