> On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, Peter Flinkfelt wrote:
> Greetings!!

> I recently re-installed redhat 5.1 on my linux box. I am now
> trying to get the damn thing online. 
> Before the install I had no problems whatsoever. only hardware
> difference is the CD-ROM power is disconnected, and a previous post to
>  the list indicates that would not be the problem.

> I am running a SMC EtherEZ as eth0, I/O 0x240 and IRQ 5, on a Cable
>  Modem. No other cards installed. I had to edit the module to force the
>  card to be recognized at the above I/O and IRQ.
> Netstat -i reveals MTU 1500 (packet size?)RX-OK 56, adn TX-ERR 25 all
> other fields are 0, Flags BRU. netstat -v  is completely blank.

I presume when you say edit the module you meant edit
/etc/conf/modules and added opions io= and irq=

If it worked before and you have installed the same driver then it
should work now, however as far as i know very few cable companies
assign static ip addresses, so all you are seeing  with ifconfig is
traffic on the modem, try using tcpdump -i eth0 and  see if there is
any traffic at all, it will only show a few packets.

What you possably need to do is install dhcp verson 2.0 avaiable at 
ftp://ftp.isc.org/isc/dhcp/  note i said version 2.0 not
2.0.betacf1.0 or the likes, the writer of dhcp used the verson
numbering the wrong way round, 2.0 is the final product.

Another note, i am using kernel 2.2.x so dont get confused about it
being 2.0 and thinking thats for 2.0.x kernels.

Once installed all you should need to do is;
ifconfig eth0 down
dhclient eth0
If that fails check the logs for hints, you may need to do;
ifconfig eth0 up
dhclinet eth0
Thats what i had to do to get my cable modem to work.
There is no need (or there was no need here) to edit ANY configuraion
files, the cnf file resides in /etc and is called dhclient-script .

Note i said "I" had to do, my cable ISP is zeelandnet.nl, on
there application form for the modem they ask which operating system
is in use, and linux is on the list, which creates the impression that
they know  HOWTO install on a linux system, huum forget it, one of the
instalers who came had never even seen a linux system in use.

The best file to read is in your mini howto's directory called DHCP, 
but its WAY out of date, all the configuration files it mentiones are
now either obsolite of are for setting up a server not a client.

> I have been reading Linux Unleashed and the network HOW-to. as far
> as I can tell it is not the card. I configured IP,netmask, gateway, 
> nameserver, Domain name, and hostname with linuxconf. I
> can ping myself on loopback, so TCPIP seems to be working, pinging
> my gateway ip gives me a network unreachable 100% packet loss.

> The last time everything was smoother than a baby's bottom. This time 
> nothing is working right. I did notice that X does not seem to be
> working, I have yet to investigate, but believe I need to update it, so  
> that is not a worry.
Babys bottoms become saw when to much attention is payed to the wrong
place(es). ;-)
Hope this helps.

> Peter Flinkfelt

Somehow this mail went to majordomo@mandrake, (user error i presume)
so if you see descrepancies with your own written text its intirly my
fault, i had to edit out all the commands unrecocnised stuff.

Regards Richard

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