Title: ML9 boots only in text mode

I've gone through hell to get ML9 installed on a 4.5GB hard drive I had going spare.

Tried it first on a Pentium I 90Mhz with 64MB RAM using every floppy disk image in the book... no dice.

Then tried it on a Pentium II 266MhZ with 256MB RAM using every floppy image in the book... no dice.

Third try was on a Pentium 4 1.6GhZ with 512MB DDR RAM using the CD-ROM image... beautiful install first time. Booted no problem; I played with it for a few minutes then shut it down no problem.

Here's the problem: the P4 is my everyday machine running WinXP and isn't the machine I want Linux installed on. So, I removed the 4.5GB hard drive with the fresh ML9 install, returned my WinXP to its regular config for everyday use, and installed the Linux hard drive in my Pentium II (see above). This machine boots, but it only boots into text mode... I don't get a GUI of any kind.

My thinking is that the Linux config is expecting a P4 and all the hardware that was on that machine. Is there any way I can reconfigure the Linux setup WITHOUT having to reinstall it (since I already know it won't install on the PII machine)???

ANY help is appreciated!

Thanks in advance,


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