Hermang wrote:
> Hello
> I have just installed Mandrake 6.0, (after 3 years of being a Slackware
> user) and I have found a small but annoying bug, When I reboot the machine
> (with any method like ctrl-alt-del or with the command
> "shutdown -r now" or selecting "shutdown" or "shutdown and reboot" from
> the Session manager ) it begins the reboot process and reports finishing
> processes and at the end, it prints some error message like:
> "could not unmount the root partition, it is in use"
> so each time I boot on the machine, Linux  makes a filesystem check
> because the root partition was not cleanly unmounted, which is annoying.
> please help me track this problem. I have not downloaded any "Mandrake
> updates" yet, I think this problem is related to some misconfiguration.

Grab the kernel and initscripts updates, they will fix this problem.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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