I have tried for 2 weeks to get removed form the
newbie list by following the instructions on the
madrake web site.  I am still on the list.

Sorry for the inconvience.

--- Manny Styles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Joseph L. Czapiewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, September 18, 1999 7:07 PM
> > newbie remove newbie remove newbie remove newbie
> > remove newbie remove newbie remove newbie remove
> > newbie remove newbie remove newbie remove newbie
> > remove newbie remove newbie remove newbie remove
> >
> That is extremely unnessary.  Have you been on this
> list long?  If you
> have, you should have seen others try to remove
> themselves from this
> list, and the answer to their dilemma.  If you are
> new to this list,
> you should have read the introductory letter and
> saved it.  You would
> have seen the very simple instructions on removing
> yourself from this
> mailing list.  I refuse to give you the answer
> because of the idiocy
> you have just subjected us all to.  You had to know
> that everyone who
> receives this mailing list would see that, therfore
> you are making a
> nuisance of yourself on purpose.  If you didn't
> know, shame.  Go to
> the Mandrake web site and find for yourself how to
> be removed from the
> mailing list, and next time, pay attention.
> Manny Styles
> ---
> Everyone has a right to be stupid. Some just abuse
> the privilege.
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