Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
On Sun, 2002-12-22 at 09:28, walt wrote:

I plan on supporting Mandrake in every way that I can. I love this
distro. I have tried others, including debian and have always come
back to this one. Someone on another forum said they wouldn't use
mandrake because it looked too much like windows for him. I personally
think that if they want to get people to use linux, looking like
windows is the way to go. People tend to use what looks familiar to
them. I really hope that the Mandrake team gets it together to
continue putting out a quality product.

What really confuses me is the fact that you cannot make windows look
like anything but windows, yet Mandrake (linux) can be made to look like
anything you want (with Enlightenment) or it can look like winblows
(KDE) but better. So where in the hell are these people getting off at?

My statement here is that people that say Linux looks too much like
winblows have not gained an understanding of the capabilities of Linux
to be ANYTHING. In Enlightenment, the GUI changes with the theme. If
you want a winblows theme, you just download one, and volia! the system
is a winblows clone. Or you can go into KDE. Or you can download an
Enlightenment theme that's totally alien to anything out there, and when
you select that theme under E, your system becomes alien. Simple.

One major reason I run E is because after several years I got absolutely
sick of seeing nothing but square title bars. With E you have the
ability to create title bars of any shape or color or texture you want. That's just one freedom that's supplied by Enlightenment. E's whole
overall theme (if there is one) is freedom itself; freedom of the GUI.

Since Linux requires you to understand what it's capabilities are before
you can use them (duh, that applies to anything) the people that say it
looks too much like winblows tend to annoy me. It seems that some
people are so limited in their personal scope that they NEED a LACK of
choice in order to function or exist.
Quite. You can also make KDE look and function very unlike Windows if you so desire. The themes that come bundled are designed to look very like other OSs (not just Windows, BTW) but there's stuff around that can make your desktop look decidedly weird. I generally stick to a standard, vaguely Windows-like look, since my wife and I use the same user account (that's togetherness for you!), but in the old days of KDE1 my desktop was pretty off-the-wall.

Sir Robin

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