OOOPS  Sorry Man,  forgot to configure Netscape to text format instead
of HTML since the lates installation.

My Apologies.


Axalon Bloodstone wrote:


> On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, Sean Pritchard wrote:
> > OK here's one for us all - -  Where's the latest 3.3.5 Xserver in the
> > 6.1 iso?
> It's on my iso, make sure you got yours from an official mirror
> > Xservers 3.3.5 are on the RPMS directory on any mirror site, yet not on
> > the iso image for CD-install - - What a drag.  I think the 3.3.5 files
> > were not ready when the iso was cranked out.
> >
> > Question:  will these 3.3.5 files install fine over the  I had
> > conflict messages trying to install them, so now I have done a complete
> > fresh install of 6.1, versus the upgrade from 6.0 I did at first
> > -(thinking 3.3.5 was selectable in the installation) -NOT!
> Nothing is "selctable" when doing an upgrade, it querys whats installed
> and updated just those packages (I don't remeber if the gnome question
> from 6.0 is in 6.1's install, if it is it's the only "selectable" package)
> Did you install them all in one command line?
> > Anybody have a word on that?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Sean
> >
> >
> --
> MandrakeSoft
>                                         --Axalon

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