On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, Michael Scottaline wrote:
> Jim Howarth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I seem to be getting a kernal error on bootup.  For some reason its
> > telling me I need to provide an init number.  I would assume this would be
> > 3 as I want it to go multiuser, but unfortunately, I don't know where to
> > put this.  I've buggered something up and am now quite confused.. :)
> > 
> > I'm using kernel 2.2.12 on Mandrake 6.0.  The kernal is also placed and
> > configured in lilo in / as I am a slackware convert. :)
> > 
> > Jim
> > 
> ===========================
> Hi Jim,
>       Can't say for sure this will work, but try typing <linux 3> at the lilo
> prompt.  Hopefully this will boot you into a multi-user console mode.  Then
> edit /etc/initab/
> HTH,
> Mike
> ____________________________________________________________________
> Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 
 Helo Michael and newbie-list,
  I just read this mail and it reminded Michael to let you know I resolved the
problem with .... LIL- when I was attempting to boot from the hard drive. My
problem was that in the lilo.conf file in /etc the boot was defined as
boot=/dev/hda1 rather than boot=/devhda
 I just wanted to pass that along and quite honestly have no idea as to how
boot got defined in that manner. When I did my install of 6.1 I told LILO to
install to MBR not any other partition but correcting that and re-running
/sbin/lilo -v corrected the problem.

        Thank you for your response,

        Distribution:                  Red Hat Linux
Operating System:              Linux
Distribution Version:          Linux Mandrake release 6.1 (Helios)

Operating System Version:      #1 Wed Sep 15 18:02:18 CEST 1999
Operating System Release:      2.2.13-7mdk
Processor Type:                i586
Host Name:                     slip.n3meq.ampr.org
User Name:                     n3meq
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System Status:                 10:17pm  up  4:51,  2 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.02, 

------------------------------------------------------------------       David
M. Kufta   http://www.slip.n3meq.ampr.org  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   
    REAL PORTION of Microsoft Windows code:                 while
(memory_available)        {                         eat_major_portion_of_memory
(no_real_reason);                         if (feel_like_it)                    
            make_user_THINK (this_is_an_OS);                        
gates_bank_balance++;                 }                  My Current Dynamic IP
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