Ripcrd6 wrote:
> Anybody have an idea as to why the command: "fdisk /mbr" would not work?
> This is a 500+MB Hard drive in a 486.   I reloaded windows to get the
> network stuff loaded (had problems w/ the previous setup and have no CD on
> the PC) and the disk has not booted the PC since.   The HD is setup
> correctly in BIOS and I have run fdisk /mbr a couple of times.   Once I get
> this straightened out I can load Linux and will use a boot disk to get to
> it.   I currently have to put in a Windows boot disk to get anywhere.
> Brian

Might want to check the partitioning on that drive to ensure that the
partition is marked active.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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