On Fri, 24 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> Ripcrd6 wrote:
> >> How about [OT] or [off topic] preceding a subject line.   Also need to have
> > a subject line, not leave it blank.
> Ok, I'll toss these out for discussion
> 1. Always use a subject line
> 2. No html
> 3. Lines set to less than 75 characters
> 4. If it's not about Linux, start your subject with OT
> 5. Trim your replys, leave enough for someone who just
>    picke up on the thread to get what's going on, but
>    keep it as short as possible.
> 6. Trim sigs (unless their the topic)
> 7. If you want to sell something, this ain't the place.
> 8. E-mail large attachments directly to the concerned 
>    parties. Don't send them to the list.
> Any more? Maybe we should start a FAQ eh?

No do as i said, contact the list owner and try and get him to put
your ideas into the subscription conformation message.
> Bob J.
Regards Richard

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