>>> "Static321" == Static321  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Static321> i just downloaded linux mandrake and installed it. I'm
    Static321> trying to install Enlightenment and i'm having
    Static321> problems. I'm trying to install the files necessary to
    Static321> run it and whenever i do a ./configure i get all these
    Static321> problems... i'm thinking i have to download something
    Static321> important so that when i ./configure i don't get
    Static321> problems...but i don't know... can someone help?

Can't help unless you state what "all these problems" are.

Have you tried the enlightenment rpm , rather than trying to install
from a tarball (which is what it sounds as if you're trying if you're
running ./configure).

Mike Fieschko, West Orange, NJ, USA
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Sep 24 Our Lady of Ransom
"It is always simple to fall;  there are an infinity of angles at
which one falls, only one at which one stands." [G.K. Chesterton, 

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