When you tell evolution to use secure when sending.,,, it will try to
connect to port 995 on the server...

If that port is not open on the mail server, then the message will not

Nothing strange about that.. I't can't send to a mail server that isn't
accepting connections on the port you have set.



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of FemmeFatale
Sent: Sunday, 2 February 2003 12:13 PM
To: newbie
Subject: [newbie] more Evolution weirdness

Forget the sig problem with Evo.  Thats just a fancy thing I want to use. :)

K stock install of Evolution, no patches (that i know of) were applied to
it.  The other day I was fiddling with it for over 2 hours.  Mostly setting
it up the way I wished.  At one point I was playing with the smtp/pop
options for "Security on email checking" (or something similarly worded)
tab in the "Tools/Mail Preferences" section.

What I was doing was seeing if my ISP used any sort of security checks
other than a password to retrieve/send email when contacting their Mail
server.  (God I hope thats worded right... stupid demerol.)

Anyway, long story short here, I had an open "test" email.  It was to be
sent to myself on one of my isp's accts.  Nothing strange about
that.  However, when I fiddled with ANY settings to do with security or if
I changed HOW I wanted/tried to get the security to work, the email just
wouldn't send.  Period.  This occurred more than once.

So for example, if on that tab I had checked on "Password needed" as an
option and then added Say... "Mail uses SSL" while the email was still
open, it won't send.  If I revert it to the setting I *know* works properly
(namely only having my password checked, nothing else) with that email
Still open it still will NOT send!

For fun I even tried just re-entering everything on that tab that I knew
worked (I tried the same settings with a diff mail program first to verify
they worked), if the email was left open, it won't send.  I have to close
that draft/test email (I didn't shutdown Evo just to be clear), then open a
new email/draft for it to work.

Now is that normal for Evo?  Or is this a weird bug I just found?  Someone
test this you'll see what I mean.  I initially told Charlie about this, he
said it was odd too & may play with Evo to see what the hells going on.



Good Decisions You boss Made:
"We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts."

- Source: Dilbert

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