On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 00:08, tuija wrote:
> > Run "fetchmailconf" and double check where it's slurping your emails to
> > - and then you'll be able to discern as to what is going on with the
> > rest of the scene.
> **************************************************************************
> I did that and .fetchmailrc doesn't tell where fetchmail puts the posts
> it pulls, /var/log/mail tells that 30 posts are pulled from server
> **************************************************************************

Ok...you're going to have to get into the POSTFIX configurations and
double check those; by default, POSTFIX dumps it's mail in
/var/spool/mail, but that could be mucked up - so best is to fire up
Webmin and go into SERVERS, then POSTFIX, then USER MAILBOXES - click on
any mailbox and towards the top of the page it will give you the path to
the mailbox - and as well, will tell  you if it's a zero length file or
if there's something in it.

A question I would have, though, is when was the last time that you did
get mail properly - and were you slurping it from /var/spool/mail, or
have you changed anything that you know of on your system?

> > My configs always dump to /var/spool/mail/yournamegoeshere
> >
> > ...so it's readily readable/find-able...
> *************************************************************************
> My /var/spool/mail  is empty there isn't user name, I have tried to command
> set spoolfile but it didn't help?
> How I can put the procmail on, could it help?
> Thank you advance

PROCMAIL runs from an RC file in your /etc directory - namely,
/etc/procmailrc - but prior to just jumping into that particular file
and it's structure, you're going to want to do some reading up on it.
PROCMAIL can be quite powerful for blocking spam, rerouting mail
internally on your system (or on your network) - heaps of different
functions. Check out: http://handsonhowto.com/pmail101.html for more
information on this powerful little text file - you won't regret it.

Check through all of the above and tell us how it works mate! Cheers!

Tue,  4 Feb 2003 05:45:00 +1100
  5:45am  up 10:11,  4 users,  load average: 0.70, 0.55, 0.34
|            __    __          | kuhn media australia            |
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|      '  `-`' "         "     | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

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