On sáb, 25 set 1999, Richard Adams wrote:
<SNIP> > 
> > rpm: error in loading shared libraries: libdb.so.2 cannot open shared object
> > file: no such file or directory
> > 
> > /Gustavo.
> > > 
<SNIP> > > > 
> > > > When I try running kpackage (or rpm, for that matter) I get the following error
> > > > message:
> > > > 
> > > > kpackage: error in loading shared libraries: libdb.so.2 cannot open shared
> > > > object file: no such file or directory
> > > >
<SNIP and rearrange for readability>
> > > > I did not have such probIem before - I've done a recent re-install (I
> > > > had not  installed devel packages in my debutant install, duh!) of the
> > > > entire system.  A clean install, wiping my / .  What gives? 
> > > >  >
> > > /Gustavo. 
> Now my examples are coming from Redhat-6.0 but i would imagen there
> would not be much differenace in the way libs are linked or are
> situated.
> What you can do to check out what  libs you have and how and where
> they are linked to do;
> ldconfig -v >l ibs.list
> Then do;
> cat libs.list | grep libdb*
> My system produces the following.
>         libdb.so.2 =>libdb.so.2 
>         libdl.so.1 => libdl.so.1.9.5
>         libdl.so.2 => libdl-2.1.1.so
>         libdb.so.2 => libdb1-2.1.1.so
>         libdb.so.3 => libdb-2.1.1.so
>         libdl.so.1 => libdl.so.1.9.5
>         libdl.so.2 => libdl-2.1.1.so
>         libdb.so.2 => libdb1-2.1.1.so
>         libdb.so.3 => libdb-2.1.1.so                

My system produced:
                libdl.so.1 => libdl.so.1.9.5
                libdl.so.2 => libdl-2.1.1.so
                libdb.so.2 => libdl-2.1.1.so
                libdb.so.3 => libdb-2.1.1.so     

> If you do not see libdb.so.2  in the list then do;
> whereis libdb.so.2 
> On my system that gives
> libdb.so: /lib/libdb.so.2 /lib/libdb.so.3 /usr/lib/libdb.so  
> If there not there then you dont have them installed, if they are
> there then add the directorys to /etc/ld.so.conf and rerun ldconfig.
> Regards Richard

Done! My /etc/ld.so.conf was:


Now it reads:


As expected,  ldconfig -v >l ibs.list   followed by     cat libs.list | grep
libdb*          gives me now:

              libdl.so.1 => libdl.so.1.9.5
              libdl.so.2 => libdl-2.1.1.so
              libdb.so.2 => libdb1-2.1.1.so
              libdb.so.3 => libdb-2.1.1.so
              libdl.so.1 => libdl.so.1.9.5
              libdl.so.2 => libdl-2.1.1.so
              libdb.so.2 => libdb1-2.1.1.so
              libdb.so.3 => libdb-2.1.1.so                              

Diferring from yours in the lines

              libdb.so.2 =>libdb.so.2 
              libdl.so.2 => libdl-2.1.1.sok

(Typos, perhaps?)  In any case, kpackage and rpm worked fine.  Can anyone
guess why this /lib/ line was not in /etc/ld.so.conf previoulsy, since I had not
messed with this file before?

Thanks a lot for the answer, Richard.  It's probably nightime where you are
and you went through some work to solve my problems here in a bright afternoon.
I am very grateful.

(Sorry all for the long post, but I figured this message could help someone
else who looks through the archives, as I've done so many times.)

Best regards,

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