John Aldrich wrote:
> On Sat, 25 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> > > Does your motherboard support the MP 1.4 specification?  I believe the SMP
> > > kernel requires that your motherboard follow the Intel MP 1.4 specification.
> > > I have an option in my BIOS to switch from 1.1 to 1.4
> > > I run a dual P-Pro with 2 UW SCSI drives.  This system runs for weeks on end.
> > > Since going with Mandrake, I have never had a single hard lockup. I've had
> > > applications with memory leaks use up all the memory.  All I had to do was kill
> > > X off and everything was back to normal.
> >
> > Don't use the MPS 1.4 on that BP6 motherboard.  There is a BIOS problem
> > which prevents it from working correctly.  A new BIOS is supposed to be
> > coming out "soon" to fix the problem.  For more information, check out
> > the Abit motherboard Usenet newsgroups, there was a discussion there
> > about MPS 1.4 over the past couple weeks.
> >
> I'm not using an ABIT motherboard...this is a dual PPro motherboard,
> not a dual-PII motherboard. :-) Thanks, though...

My mistake, I thought you had previously mentioned owning a Abit board.  

<back to my hole...>
Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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