On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> Here's an interesting question.  This might be off-topic, because it's
> not exactly Linux-Mandrake specific, but there are a couple questions
> that branch off about the release.
> I've been having problems compiling programs under Linux-Mandrake 6.0. 
> The gcc that I use is version 2.91.66.
> The programs I've been trying to compile are:
> -Fuzzball 5.64 (A MUCK); fb4.64;
> -Licq, 0.70.1;
> -The KDE plug-in for Licq.
>       If there are compile errors, such as "gets function is dangerous and
> should not be used", then that is not my system's problem, but instead
> the programmer's problem, and I should report it to them?
>       A side question.  Has anyone managed to acquire a good ICQ Unix clone
> up and working?  I have problems with the KDE plugin with Licq; it
> doesn't seem to want to compile.  

  LICQ is about the best ICQ clone that I have found. (personal preference
there)   I could compile the main program ok in 6.1 but the Gui needs QT 2.0.
  I didn't want to stuff around and risk running QT 2.0 but I did find   
a pre-compiled RPM, version of 70.f.  I have been happlily running this for a
while in Mandrake 6.0 and it works just as well in 6.1.  I can't seem to find a
later RPM .. but I will be on the lookout.

   If you want to look at it, it is available at: 


   Read the docs to make it install the GUI all the time.



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