On Tue, 28 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> I was told that the Qt Lib is in the /usr/lib and the headers are in
> the /usr/include/qt.  This will cause all kinds of headaches for KDE
> development since it is not the standard place that Qt and SuSE
> expects.  I haven't even written hello world yet in Linux but I have
> compiled a few source tar balls for KDE apps.  It is a pain for that.

Under normal curcumstancies its not so important as to where the libs
are situated, its a question of the system knowing where they are,
there are several ways of doing this,. For example in the systems
/etc/profile or bash_profile depending on what distro is in use you
can define lib paths in those files, another way would be to change
paths in the Makefiles for programs needing those libs, putting the
directory path in /etc/ld.do.conf and rerunning ldconfig, there are
many ways.

Its not what you do but HOW you do it.

Realy the best way is to read the documentation in the to be made
program first and understanding what the program expects to find and
where it wants to look. You may have noticed that many programs say
"ajust the Makefile accordingly" to point it to the correct lib paths.

> PBen
> On Mon, 27 Sep 1999 18:54:24 -0700, "Eric L. Damron"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Can someone tell me where Mandrake 6.0 puts the KDE libraries?  The K-Develop IDE 
>is asking for them but I can't seem to find them anywhere!
> >
> >Thanks
Regards Richard

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