On Sun, 2003-03-02 at 10:23, Robert Wideman wrote:
> >> >> Shit - stats are down - I'm going to have to tackle Mr.
> >> Wideman...(grin)
> >>
> >> Lol.  Good luck.
> I forgot to say that i am unemployed and have all the time in the world to
> reply to this list.
> If any of you guys live in Austin (or Dallas or Houston or San Antonio) and
> have jobs that are
> avail at your company or know of any jobs then PLEASE let me know.  It sucks
> knowing i make more on  unemployment then i do working a 40 hour work week
> making $10 /hr.
> Rob

My parent live outside of Austin. Maybe you can get them to let you do a
Windows optimisation and maintenance on their system? (grin)
(Georgetown - and not that they'd pay much, but ma does cook...)

In reality, though, I always found that MCI in Richardson was a great
source of consistent contract work...but now I can't remember the names
of the contract companies that I used to work through - been quite a
while...and Fritolay/PespiCo lup in Plano was always burning through

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