You say for obvious reasons but I can't see anything that obvious.  I
would suggest going back to the instructor and ask him

     1) why are you mixing C and C++?
     2) why are you using 'conio.h' which is meant to handle
        platform specific I/0 as opposed to 'stdio.h' which is
        the standard ANSI C header?

What I get from my reference material here at home is

"getch() - Reads a character without echo; does not wait for carriage
return; not defined by ANSI standard C, but a common extension."

This may mean a few things, possibly having to turn off ANSI compliance
or, worst case scenario, it may be a common extension but the supplier
of your compiler didn't.  I'm sure your instructor has his reasons, i.e.
hiding character input of a password.  Go back to him and get him to
give you a better bang for your education dollar on this one.

Ken Wilson
First Law of Optimization: The speed of a nonworking program is
(Steve Heller, 'Efficient C/C++ Programming')

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ty Mixon
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 1999 3:23 PM
Subject: [newbie] conio.h file missing?


I'm making another C++ program for school, and we are using

cout << "press the any key to continue";

for obvious reasons.

My problem is that we're supposed to use conio.h file to define
getch().  It ain't there . . .


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