
On Sat 2003-03-29 at 01:24:10 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Well, no one else has mentioned this, so...  :-)
> Public beta number 3 of Neverwinter Nights is out, available from the Bioware 
> web sight. You will have to register with them to be able to download though.
> Now. Does anyone here actually have it working?

Jupp. Works fine. And for me (CPU-bound: Athlon 500 + GiForce 4200)
between 50% and 100% faster (yes, really!) than the MS Windows
version, depending on the area.

The only glitch is that the mouse kind of lags behind a bit (even with
the recommended work-arounds).

> I've bought the game, I used Icculus's (raven) installer to put it
> in /usr/local/games/nwn, but I get the dreaded SDL "segmentation
> fault (parachute deployed)" message.

This seems to be simply some general error. Just a shot in the dark:
Check for a "patch.key" file. If you have it, take away readable flag
(chmod a-rwx patch.key) and check if it makes a difference.

Probably not, but you can try. Else, I cannot help much, because I
used the existing MS Windows install to copy the data file.

(Don't forget to change the permissions afterwards, if the change it
doesn't help).

> Bioware says to use v1.25 of SDL, which I don't have. I'm running Mandrake 
> v9.0, with SDL 1.24 - if I try to upgrade I get (literally) a hundred 
> dependency errors.

Well, I have 9.1 (more precisily: Cooker) which comes with

> Anyone care to recommend a good way to upgrade SDL without breaking
> everything else on a setup?

Try 9.1? ;-)

Sorry, don't have any solution for this. Never cared about SDL. Only
noticed that it already existed in my install when I followed the
install instructions.



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