--I would like to thank Jeremy, John, Katie and Alan for responding to my
plight with Scar Orifice (yes, correct spelling).  I dunno, maybe 13 year
old German kids have it in for me. I tried all your suggestions. All in
all I spent over 3 _more_ hours trying to get it to work.  Alan's
suggestion about Glibc2 is the only one I can't verify. Maybe that's it. I
DO hate to give up on anything computer related, and I also hate the idea
of paying for software for this platform. I mean isn't that the idea? that
it's supposed to be free? However, it looks like I'll have to try WP8. I
really need a decent word processor if I'm going to be able to use this OS
in lieu of Winblows. Maxwell is OK but not great. What I do want to say
however is that the overwhealming response, and the friendliness and
understanding of the response, with NO flames just confirms why I love the
listserve communication format and this group. NEWBIE@ RULES!!!! You guys
are great!!!

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.   
  Teach him how to fish, and 
  he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

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