Hi All
Can anyone help me with doing a minimal linux installation.
I have the 3CDs for the Mandrake Linux 8.2 distro.
The Mandrake site and documentation state ..."New installation features include ... a "minimal install" mode to fit a Mandrake system into 65 MB of your hard-disk.".
I want to set up my internet gateway, so I only want DNS, NAT, DHCP, some modem drivers, the ability to remotely login and the basic command line interface and console tools. I do not need any GUI apps or environment and I don't need Xfree86.
Can anyone let me know how to set up the minimal installation?
Should I just de-select all of the software options in the installer?
What are the essential packages I need to get the gateway up and running, without all the other bells and tassles.
Thanks in advance.

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