Yep, if you've been following my story (RIGHT!) then you know that I"m
attempting to IP Masquerade stuff.

        Now, I'm wondering why the heck I can't get it WORKING... and the worst
thing was that it *was* working a moment ago, almost TEN minutes ago to
be precise!

        And so I thought I'd like to ask if anyone else has similar problems. 
Okay, let's be detailed here.

Here's the hardware setup.

1) Win98 box, connected directly to Linux box (WITH that Crossover
cable!  Hahhah!).  The addresses are:


        (Note, the DNS servers on WIn98 box are set as the same as required by
Cable Company; they're also identical to what's set up on Linux box). 

2) Linux box has two Ethernet cards; I have cable modem.  eth0 goes to
Win98 box.  eth1 goes to Cable connection.

3) All the machines PING each other just fine, and all that jazz.  (Yep,
that file-print sharing comes soon!)

4) I typed up the bare-bones commands for IP Masquerading (I'm still
disconnecting the power from my Cable Modem at night.).  Here's what I
typed (from the IPMasquerading-HOWTO).

        ipchains -P forward DENY
        ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ


        As soon as someone starts looking around on stuff on my Linux box, the
Win98 box seems NOT to respond.  I can't read web sites, connect to ICQ,
or any of that fancy stuff for some reason.  My sister started to use
KDE and Netscape (because I said she could) and then suddenly the Win98
box went dead and refused to ping anything or connect.

        Is there something wrong with the setup, or is there something I can do
to optimize it?

        (As a result of me not being connected, most of oyu probably will read
this message about a day later than usual). 

OKAY, it works again.  I typed in the command to "turn on IP forwarding"
(like, echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forwarding or something) and
everything runs like magic again.  So, the million buck question is... 

... how do I keep the option turned "on"?  

Also, ICQ really really doesn't like me.  Any solutions?  (While I'm on
the topic... sorry guys for making this a rather scatterbrained post...
which file on the Mandrae 6.0 CD is the X libaries?  I didn't install
them and I need them for the Qt instruction set for installing Licq

(Next stop: SECURITY.  Yes, I have to read a LOT about security...)
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