On 17 Jun 2003 14:44:59 +1000
Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> http://www.msnbc.com/news/926304.asp?0si

The open source community will never accept DRM, and will never build it
into their software.

The worst case scenario, as you have pointed out, is still not very
attractive. That it will be *illegal* to produce software that is not
DRM enabled. In that case, we will all become rebel outlaws, a position
I most heartily accept, as I know you do. Let me be a criminal. Let them
put me in prison for using a non-DRM-enabled OS on my PC. How many
prisons are they going to build? Are they going to put Linus Torvalds in
prison? The next Nelson Mandela, LOL, his arrest record would be hacked
out of existence in seconds, the entire judiciary would be shut down
within a day. To paraphrase a great man, "they know not what they do,
and who is going to do it back to them IN SPADES..."

Another thing to keep in mind though, the geeks are always one step
ahead of the technocrats. They simply do not understand what they are
dealing with. The last time they issued a challenge to crack their
digital watermark (that took them months to build), the data came back
cracked in under a day? And how long do you think it would take to get
around those encrypted e-mails?

The phone company has been combatting phreaks for how long now?

Microsoft does not have enough brains to figure out basic security after
over 30 years in operation. They will never outpace the hackers among

+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage: http://nodex.sytes.net
+ People say Linux is ugly. How does that make you feel?
+ Torvalds: They'll be the first against the wall when the revolution
+ comes.                  

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