OK, I've listened to a debate about linux packaging

The Caldera Disk you pay for (as part of a boxed set) has StarOffice on
CD1 along with all the other Binaries and WP8 is there for that matter
That is a "Distribution" with a price of $49.95 list.

Now the single CD is a "convenience" for those of us who don't have
high-speed internet connections to download the GPL portions of a

Take it from linuxmall, or cheapbytes or Gator Online or any similar
location.  If you have a non-GPL binary on the "less than $2.00" CD (or
free with any order of more than....) I would be amazed.  If it was not
time limited or crippled in some manner (who remembers Caldera OpenLinux
Lite?), I would be astounded.

Now the sophistry of arguing what constitutes a distribution and what
does not, and other games of hair-splitting can go hang.  The fact is
that the folks putting together the distribution navigate a course based
on their interpretations of license restrictions, what seems to be most
useful at the time of assembly, and to some extent their own tastes.

Nothing wrong with that.  It is NOT a flaw.  And arguing to get things
put on there because some other "distribution does it"  on a much more
expensive set is .... unproductive.


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