At 10:02 AM 6/22/2003 -0500, you wrote:

  This isn't strictly a Mandrake question, but I hope someone here can help
me.  I'm building a computer for my mother using an Abit NF7-M motherboard.
In the manual it says, "Attach the connector from the power fan to PWRFAN1
header..."  The PWRFAN1 header has three prongs.  Two of the connectors
coming out of the power housing have four holes, none have three.  Which
(if any) is supposed to connect to PWRFAN1?  Do I need an adapter so it can
fit the three-prong header?  My own computer has an Abit KR7A-133 board.
The equivalent passage in it is "attach the connector from the power fan
to FAN3 header".  I just looked and nothing is attached to that header,
and the only four-hole connector I see is plugged into the floppy drive.
Some friends online suggested that the power fan (ie. I assume the one in
the power box housing) is run _by_ the power box, that it doesn't need
to connect to the motherboard.  Is that true?  I notice that it isn't
turning now, but that might be because it doesn't need to.  Looking at the
fan through the grill I can see the wires running from it but can't see
where they're going or if they're one of the bundles exiting the unit
at the rear.  How _do_ I connect that fan, or do I need to do anything at

Puzzled in Evansville,
Dale Huckeby

That connector is for an extra fan mounted directly to your computer case...usually 40-120mm in size. They use special 3 wire or 4 wire little connectors. I have an old one that is 2 connectors but I jerry rigged the sucker so it works. Just ignored one pin (which is an pin that gives an extra few volts IIRC that this fan doesn't need being its only 60mm in size...).

So in short: if you have a case fan, thats where you connect it to on the mobo. Otherwise ignore it. Some newer powersupplys have a little heat sensor you connect to the mobo ... looks like a 3 pronged connector too. Thats not the same thing. :) HTH? If you need more info email me off list I'll send you pix of what i'm talking about.

FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt

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