Okay, when my system hangs I am able to press Alt Ctrl F1 to go back to the shell.  From here if I push the Windows key on my keyboard I get a screen which seems to be logging current activity (does this make sense).  It lists a series of errors.  Unfortunately the errors go by so quickly that I am unable to see them.  Is it possible to halt this screen, or to print it to a file?  This might help me diagnose the problem.  It appears that the error is probably the same one over and over.  I am thinking that something is not configured correctly and the system is going into an infinite loop of trying and failing to perform some operation.
Also, when I am back in the shell I have tried pressing Ctrl C to stop KDE from loading.  This gives me a message saying something like "Unexpected signal 15".  Nothing happens after that unless I press Ctrl C again at which point I am given a prompt again.  However, the hard drive still hums as though the system is still hanging.  If I then press the Windows key I am again given the error messages rapidly scrolling off the screen.  I have tried to do a ps to see the process which is causing the hard drive to continue to work, but I don't see any process running which would account for that.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2003 12:27 PM
Subject: [newbie] System Still Hangs

I reinstalled Mandrake 9.1 in order to try to solve my login problems.  I am booting from a floppy.  When I boot, it gives me options of whether to load linux-secure, linux, failsafe, or windows.  I have tried selecting both secure and just linux.
The system loads and takes me to a text based login.  Here I login and I am taken to the shell (Bash).  I type KDE to try to boot the windowing system.  A blue background comes up with an X shaped cursor.  It then comes up with an initialization screen.  This last for a few moments.  The initialization screen disappears and the blue background remains.  The hard drive continues to hum like it is working, but nothing ever happens.  Does anyone have any suggestions?
Also, I have considered trying to run Gnome instead, but because I am new to linux I do not know the command to start a Gnome session.

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