OK, this might be useful information.

I have a few questions for you.

1. What directory did you DL the tarball to?
2. After you used tar xvzf so51....  where did you place the inflated

My experience is that the most useful setup is to expand it as root and then
take the expanded dirs to /opt--the directories should be under a folder
called Office51.

Then install (*full install*) as root, using so51inst

Then go to your user with SO now expanded and in an xterm


which should invoke the setup.  In that case, choose WORKSTATION install for
two reasons

1) You'll never be able to choose more than one printer if you do a full
install here, because SPA will look locally for a printer
2) You'll save about 130Mb of disk space

What your output tells me is a) you have placed the install balloon in the
wrong directory or with the wrong privileges OR b) you have a bad download.


"David P. Greenberg" wrote:

> --OK all you code-heads, the following is the X-session errors file after
> attempting to install my arch nemisis progie into this computer. maybe
> from this file readout, somebody out there will be able to decipher what
> I'm doing wrong. The last line is just that KCharset thing, which I've
> also given up on.  The funny thing is, I'm _not_ a computer newbie by a
> long shot, and although I am a linux newbie, I think I've been picking it
> up pretty well. So what's with this then? Is it that I'm just too old,
> kind of like Solieri to Mozart? I suppose if Leonardo Da Vinci was alive
> today, and writing computer programs, I wouldn't be able to install his
> either. The thing is that this is REAL embarassing. It's killing my "local
> guru" image.
> Oh, sorry about the line wrap, it's just how it copied, and I didn't want
> to split it up.
> EXEC 'konsole -e "/home/bitco/.kde/share/apps/kfm/tmp/setup.500.0"' 2
> ASSERT: "r < nRows" in widgets/qtableview.cpp (1582) ERROR !
> dirpath=so51inst/office51/setup.zip/ not contained in
> tmp=so51inst/office51/setup.zip truncating  Execvp's 0th arg is unzip
> Execvp's 1th arg is -v  Execvp's 2th arg is
> /home/bitco/.kde/share/apps/kfm/tmp/setup.zip.527.0 Archive:
> /home/bitco/.kde/share/apps/kfm/tmp/setup.zip.527.0   inflating:
> /tmp/ark.530/SETUP.BIN   Archive:
> /home/bitco/.kde/share/apps/kfm/tmp/setup.zip.527.0   inflating:
> /home/bitco/SETUP.BIN    /home/bitco/SETUP.BIN: error in loading shared
> libraries: libvos517li.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
> directory /home/bitco/SETUP.BIN: error in loading shared libraries:
> libvos517li.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> /home/bitco/SETUP.BIN: error in loading shared libraries: libvos517li.so:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory KCharset: Wrong
> charset!
> David P. Greenberg
> Bitco Electronics
> "In Service to the Recording Industry"
> *Confirmed Linux Newbie*
> **Never use a big word when
> substituting a diminutive one would
> suffice.**

visit http://homepages.msn.com/invalid_url  ....
Is Microsoft afraid to pay itself license fees for IIS?
Sure looks like an Apache (open-source) Signature to me

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