I have determined that I probably need an up to date version of the pegasus driver on my system.  I have downloaded the header file off the CVS on the internet.  I would like to add the new version of the driver to my system.  I am guessing that this requires me to compile it since I can not seem to find any other versions.  Can someone explain how I go about doing this and what will I need to do it?
Continuing from the conversation below
Thanks for identifying the driver source bascule.
If you look at the latest source code for the driver
you can see the Microsoft adapter was added to the source 4 weeks and 5 days

From the latest source we can see
VENDOR_MICROSOFT        0x045e
PEGASUS_DEV( "Microsoft MN-110", VENDOR_MICROSOFT, 0x007a,

Adding the line
pegasus              0x0003 0x045e   0x007a    0x0000       0x0000       0x00        
0x00            0x00            0x00            0x00            0x00           

(That is all one line) to /etc/hotplug/usb.handmap  should cause the driver to
be loaded whenever the USB adapter is plugged in.

If that does not work then you may have to compile the driver from CVS which
is quite a lot more work for a newbie.


On Friday 11 Jul 2003 7:31 am, bascule wrote:
> wade,
> well seeing as how it's a microsoft piece of kit i'd guess that the odds of
> them realeasing drivers are vanishingly small, however according to:
> http://www.linux-usb.org/devices.html
> under 'network adapters' the top two entries looks promising, you will need
> to know what speed usb port you have, note the second entry seems to imply
> that you need a later kernel
> it's also not obvious what the actual driver names are from the devices
> listed there :)
> however assuming that a)the pegasus driver is what you want
> b) you have your usb system up and running
> then hopefully
> #modprobe pegasus (note done as root)
> will load the driver, if not you could try some of the other drivers listed
> under /lib/modules/2...../kernel/drivers/usb/
> use
> #modinfo <modulename>
> to see what sort of driver it is
> now the next bit i could be wrong! :)
> assuming the driver is correct then you will need to set up an interface
> using that device, assuming you haven't any already then i think you may be
> talking 'usb0' from something i read online
> if you do:
> # ifconfig -a
> you should hopefully see a refernce to usb0 or indeed to a net interface
> that didn't use to be there, if so then you need to set it up,
>  i believe you will need to create a file under
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
> called ifcgf-usb0 (assuming usb0 is the interface name) that has something
> like:
> BOOTPROTO=static
> DEVICE=usb0
> this assumes a static ip for the interface, you will have to adjust
> accordingly
> or
> DEVICE=usb0
> >> BOOTPROTO=dhcp
> DHCP_CLIENT=/sbin/dhcpcd
> for a dhcp assigned ip
> i ripped that from my dhcp assigned interface on my mandrake firewall so i
> figure it should be the right format, not you would have to have
> /sbin/dhcpcd on your system
> then you should be able to do
> #ifup usb0
> and if it works
> #ifconfig
> should show it up and running
> then you would need to add your pegasus module (or whatever it turns out to
> be) to your start up files, that would either be /etc/modules
> with a line:
> pegasus
> or /etc/modules.conf
> with a line:
> alias usb0 pegasus
> i'm not sure if both would work and if so which is better form
> for how wrong i am with this advice wait for others to comment! :)
> bascule
> On Friday 11 Jul 2003 3:24 am, Wade Waldron wrote:
> > Microsoft MN-110 USB ethernet adapter.
> >
> > Wade
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Carroll Grigsby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 7:15 PM
> > Subject: Re: [newbie] Installing new hardware
> >
> > > On Thursday 10 July 2003 08:15 pm, Wade Waldron wrote:
> > > > Okay, maybe some more background is needed.  When I run the mandrake
> > > > configuration utility, and look under the listed hardware I have a
> > > > few unknown devices (like my network adapter).  I have looked around
> > > > and
> >
> > found
> >
> > > > that my network adapter probably uses the pegasus driver.  I would
> > > > like


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