On Thu, 07 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> My secure log showed the following entries:
> Oct  6 16:45:12 C287853-A ipop3d[11229]: connect from
> Oct  6 16:45:12 C287853-A ipop3d[11229]: error: cannot execute
> /usr/sbin/ipop3d: No such file or directory
> nslookup
> Name:    oboe.dsi.uminho.pt
> Address:
> He's running an apache webserver and his name is Jorge Figueiredo .
> Even with all of this information I'm not sure how to contact his ISP.
> Any suggestions?
Try "whois [EMAIL PROTECTED]" It will come back
with a BUNCH of info, including the fact that the address
is assigned to a university in Portugal. :-)

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