On Fri, 08 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> >%_I am trying to create a dual OS with my Win 98. I had installed The Complete 
>Linux OS 6.0. X windows does not support my video card(STB nVidia ZX). I was 
>wondering if anybody could give some advice on affordable($50-90) video card that 
>will support both Mandrake's X-windows and Windows 98. 
> Thanks, 
> Leith

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First, HTML is not well supported by many Linux-based mail clients.
You really should reconfigure your email client to post using "plain
text" by default. You'll find more people who prefer plain-text than
prefer "pretty" html-ized email. :-)
Second, you can get a Riva TNT-based card for $29. It's made by
"Jaton" however, it's a standard Riva TNT from "Essential Computer"
in New York. I'd advise going and paying $60 for a Diamond Viper V550
at GoGoCity.com....never heard of 'em, but they're listed on
Pricewatch. In any case, my point is that a Riva TNT card is directly
supported by the current release of X, and it's cheap for a TNT
(original, not the TNT2.) 
I've got a Creative Labs' Graphics Blaster TNT in my machine at work.
I dual-boot Windows 98 and RedHat 6. Even before I installed the
Linux drivers, it worked well enough (before it was directly
supported by X.) Now, with the Creative Drivers (which are no longer
needed with the current X) it SMOKES!!! 8 mb video ram!!!
Windows loves it too!

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