I installed Direct Connect. During installation it said something
about Mesa (graphics) and I just knew I would suffer because of it.

Now when I boot, it simply never gets to the graphical login, and
does not display a console login either. Instead I get the string
of boot status messages, and then it stops. The computer is booted
and running, but I am not logged in, and have no way to login. 
(Even the Alt-F2, etc gives me nothing to login with.)

I booted to failsafe, re-installed NVidia's proprietary drivers.
I ran XFdrake. Test is successful, but I still can not boot with a login.

Now I _can_ boot to failsafe, and do a init 5. (That's why it's possible
for me to compose this message.) What the hell kind of sense does that
make? How do I fix this?


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