> Set WordPerfect to use Passthru Postscript.  It will then hand it off to
> lpr which does a wonderful job of rendering to the printer.
> -- 
> Steve Philp

I've tried using WP8 with an Epson Colour 200 - one of those 1997 budget
printers that only ever appeared to be fast because it replaced an even
older dot matrix.  Now the printer using lpr works fine - printing from
kwrite or Applix is of high quality and extremely fast.  I get a much faster
speed from the lpr than I ever got with the Windows driver.

Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the case with WP8.  I've tried using
Passthru Postscript (after previous posts on this subject) however it is a)
very slow and b) appears as though it is using double the required amount of
ink - black blobby text that doesn't look good and stays wet for a long

Is Passthru Postscript simply handing the job through to lpr or is it doing
something else in between?  Does it make decisions on resolution or fonts or
anything like that?  As far as I know there is no option to print a
postscript file.

Yes I know - get a decent printer ;-)

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