If you see something like the following:


on your screen along with the underline curser, you can use the command
"startx" to get the X-session running. To do this type in the word "startx"
and then the ENTER key. If you do not see something like the above,  or
maybe "root@localhost" in the prompt, or if you do not see any kind of a
prompt at all, then sorry but I'm lost for what to do. The fact that you can
see the cursor indicates that the video is working at least in "character
mode". If what you see is something like "login", then you need to log into
Linux with your username and password, or with the "root" name and password,
then try the "startx" command as above. A little more detail on what you did
prior to the "black screen with the flashing underline cursor" would be of
help as I have not been following this thread closely enough. Hope what I
gave you helps at least a little,


----- Original Message -----
From: Ty Mixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 1999 8:46 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Executing binaries in Mandrake 6.1

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> On 10/9/99, 12:06:09 PM, Alan Shoemaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> regarding Re: [newbie] Executing binaries in Mandrake 6.1:
> [snip] and the f-keys 7-12 are mapped to access 6 different
> > x-sessions.  [snip]
> > Alan
> Is there any way I can get to those X-sessions now?  Or do I have to
> wait for version 4 of the X-server?  Right now all I get are black
> screens with an underline cursor that doesn't do anything but blink.
> --
> Ty Mixon
> ICQ: 26147713

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