>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of HaywireMac
>Sent: Tuesday, 19 August 2003 11:51 AM
>Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux saves MS's butt.
>On Mon, 18 Aug 2003 23:17:45 -0400
>Brant Fitzsimmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
>> >We can only speculate what was in the mind of the worm's author(s).
>> >But if the 200,000 instances of this worm had chosen to target
>> >"windowsupdate.microsoft.com" or even "microsoft.com" with an
>> >unthrottled Raw Socket SYN flood, a very different scenario would be
>> >playing out today and tomorrow: Microsoft.com would be gone.
>> >
>> >But the worm's originator(s) appear to have been more interested in
>> >making a point, than in taking Microsoft.com permanently off the
>> >Internet _ which they could have easily done.
>> ></quote>
>> >
>> >Sharrea
>> >
>> Interesting.
>Ya, sounds almost like White Hats to me, tho, for white hats it did do a
>lot of damage to Windows machines worldwide, ie. at least in terms of
>inconvenience. From what I have heard, it has been relatively easy to
>remove and patch, and the damage doesn't seem to be permanent.
>Hmmmm, didn't Gibsom warn MS about Raw Sockets a loooooong time ago when
>XP was just a dream (nightmare?).


Yeah, I just bet Steve was dying to say "I told you so". Which is
particularly apt considering the raw sockets where actuall used against
Microsoft in this case.  I think the same people that wrote blaster are
probably behind the one recently released that goes around fixing
infections and blocking the hole.

SG is a bit of a showman but he seems to know his stuff. (even if he does
give every thing fancy names)



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