Title: DrakConnect forgetfull

So I'm happily surfing away and my 'net conenction slows to a crawl.
Then is stops entirely.

After many attempts to make bits flow (even checked the cable to see if the cat had eaten through again) I've concluded that the via-rhine on board LAN has turned to slag.

The case is open anyway, so I install 3Com PCI NIC, move the cable and boot the machine.

Once the desktop appears -- no connection.
Run MCC > Network & Internet > DrakConnect -- wizard and all that.
Click "Yes I want to save the changes, that's why I made them" buttons.
Everything works.
I have to shut the machine off at night as the fans sound like jets idling.

Each morning I have to go through the MCC > ... > Everything works scenario.

DrakConnect never seems to save my changes.

Which RAEDME or fine-manual should I be looking in to find out which settings DrakConnect is changing and not saving?  Or more to the point which files I could edit myself and get this overwith?


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