Well, I've finally got the DSL line, and I love it!!  Didn't take too 
much to get it set up (not sure what all I did, sadly) once I set the 
Cisco 675 correctly.

Anyhow, my Aussie friend who GM's the game I play on IRC could use 
some back up high speed storage for some gaming files (pics, text 
pieces, extra).  So I set him up with an account so he could telnet 
in.  Easy.

Now I want to make it so that the rest of the group can ftp in as 
guests (not anon's, don't want the whole blasted net to get in 
there!!) and grab the stuff.  I set up which dir to go to for guests.  
Now how do I tell these guys to log in?  And what do I set in kBeroFTPD?  

As always, thank you!!

Ty Mixon
ICQ:    26147713

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