>Seeing the posts about Zip drives prompted me to resume trying to mount my
parallel port zip drive.  I searched the archives and...
>Viola!!  I found the appropriate information..

>modprobe ppa
>mount /dev/sda4  /mnt/zipdrive -t vfat

>Question is...

>After adding mount /dev/sda4  /mnt/zipdrive -t vfat to etc/fstab, do I need to
tell modprobe ppa to run on every bootup, or is it a one time deal?
>If I need to run it every time,  what is the "autoexec" for Linux?


Had to reboot my machine last night.  On bootup, (when fstab was "mounting"), I
got an error that basically says I will need to run

modprobe pp _before_  the zip drive can be mounted.  Is there any way to either
tell modprope ppa to execute before fstab OR set
something where modprobe ppa will not need to be run again?

Thanks Again,

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