On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> Hi all-
> My ppp0.pid file is placed in /etc/ppp -- instead of in /var/run with the
> others. Is this a normal thing for Mandrake? or for Redhat? If not, what
> may cause this placement on my system? (My ISP is starting up some linux
> support, and I tested some scripts they put together to automatically
> setup ppp dialing; dialup works great, but when I run the unmodified
> ppp-off script, it can't fine ppp0.pid in /var/run, so it's unable to
> disconnect. This hasn't been a problem for me, as I run kppp which handles
> it fine for some reason, but it just popped up experimenting with the
> script from my ISP.)
I think that's normal for RedHat-compatible releases such
as Mandrake. Your ppp stuff goes in two places: /etc/ppp
and /bin.

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