Well Barbara, I took the liberty of posting this to the newbie list,
where you first posted,. add also to the Mandrake Offtopic list, where
we discuss things not realted to making Mandrake Linux the best
Distribution possible, and also you might consider, Virus free.

On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 06:55, Barbara A Wilson wrote:
> we never maintain any server of our own
> for mail for our domains. all mails are
> forwarded from the registrar to a catch
> all account.
you are responsible for all servers under the domain you pay for.
YOU are the RESPONSIBLE party. the servers belonged to YOU.

> i don't know why you can't talk decently.
I don't know why you can take responsibility for things you are paying
for. that would be a decent start.

> we only receive inbound mail and don't
> send any outbound email except from our
> ISP account.
they were your servers. period. they were M$ servers. Period. they were
not properly configured and were damaging other peoples stuff. period.
By your short sighted logic...
If I drain my pool, and the water runs into your living room and ruins
your carpet, because I bought my pool from some one else, and I also
bought the hose at some store. so it must be the people who built the
pool and the drain hose. it can not be _MY_ fault for not reading the
instructions that say don't drain into the neighbors living room.

> Barbara and Robin
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "ed tharp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Barbara A Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 6:32 AM
> Subject: Re: [newbie] To American readers (slightly OT)
> > On Tue, 2003-09-02 at 23:05, Barbara A Wilson wrote:
> > > i just read a 2002 post on a message
> > > board regarding a domain i own that
> > > was falsely accused of spamming
> > > during 2002:
> > not Falsely, and not spam, you meathead. It was for not securing your
> > servers. here is the quote of the 'original post'
if you think being called a meathead is so offensive, try fixing your
servers, and then I won't consider you a meathead.

> >  am suddenly getting various virus/worms sent to me (Klez, Septic)
> > viewing headers shows a common pattern, they all contain
> > "smtp-server.tampabayr.com"
> > 
> > I take it a web ?Master? like yourself should by now be able to tell the
> > difference between spam and virus but I guess in a fat head like your's
> > case, the difference might take more light to see than get in around
> > your head. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > Tampabayr.com
> > > 
> > > a misspell of tampabay.rr.com (in the
> > > Time Warner Roadrunner system).
> > > 
> > > i also own Tampabayrr.com,
> > > but only the single R variety was
> > > involved as a (false) return address
> > > last year.
> > and none of those address is likely to send any spam? tell us all, in an
> > open forum, why you need those particular web addresses if not to
> > confuse people. I would be willing to bet that if roadrunner thought for
> > a second you were attempting to confuse people into sending you money
> > and not AOL-Time/Warner, there would (and imho, should) be a sheriff at
> > your door about 10pm to serve papers.
No answer here???

No answer here???

> > 
> > 
> > > i live in florida, but also maintain a
> > > home in Canada, as my significant
> > > other is Canadian....
> > why do you think anyone here give a $hit.
No answer here. 

> > 
> > so where do you pay income tax? or do you just travel to the best
> > government services 
> > 
> > what is your point in including that bit of info?
 No answer here. 

> > > i did a Google.com search on my
> > > admin telephone number, which i
> > > chose the FL number to display
> > > even though our more permanent
> > > Canadian address is also in the
> > > admin contact info for our domains:
> > > 
> > > 863-421-8959
> > why not spend the time learning about how to secure your servers and run
> > some legitimate business, instead of 'ego surfing'
> > 
> > > i did not see, but you can pick up
> > > on what the message board involved
> > > you in saying, by entering the numbers
> > > (and dashes) at google...
> > I am pretty sure no one would take back their words. and even tho I was
> > not involved, the 'message board' did not involve anyone. we involved
> > the message board. if you had been using a linux box, we would not have
> > ever had your domain names brought up, so do NOT blame anyone other than
> > your own laziness.
> > 
> > > immediately your post will come up
> > > to review.
> > > 
> > > i have no way to go backwards in those
> > > posts--so have no idea what the original
> > > request was....
> > If you would open your eyes and read (this seems to be a repeating theme
> > with you) you would see that you can follow the thread and back trace to
> > the beginning or see the whole thread or read 'chronological'.  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > Bob Bergemann
> > > and
> > > Barbara Wilson
> > > 
> > > someone professes to know us somehow.
> > no one other than WHOIS. this is public info on the net, that almost any
> > other web?master? would know about.
> > 
> > > i seriously doubt that, as we are very
> > > private individuals with a highly
> > > controlled and limited social/business
> > > circle....
> > get your head out your ass, and improve your social and business circle.
> > this post was not from anyone under anyone elses controll, and all
> > comments are mine only.
> > 
> > come and try and control this thought process.
> > 
> > SHeeessh some people.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > R  +  B
> > I suggest you not only get a linux server, but also take lessons in
> > personal respect and responsibility, and security of your own server.
> > 
> > 
> > if you read the post, and you well could have read the post it was in
> > reply to.
> > 
> > you would then be aware it was a complaint about how many of _your_
> > boxes were compromised and not repaired.
> > 
> > No One said they know you, they looked up in a whois to see the owners
> > of an offending site
No answers here either.

I still think "meathead" is a pretty kind compliment, in this case.

anyone else care to input?


> > 
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