On Mon, 2003-09-08 at 10:09, John Wilson wrote:

> Ya gotta admit that it's a tad amusing for a convicted monopolist to be 
> whining about free markets and competition.  After all none of these gov'ts 
> are telling people they gotta use Linux, except perhaps China where you may 
> get a bullet in the back of your head for using Winblows.
> Just what is it with these guys and what are they afraid of? 
> NOTE -- the above is entirely a rhetorical question :-)

1.) Microsoft is very afraid of an educated consumer. This goes against
their entire business plan.

2.) Microsoft is very afraid of an educated network administator. This
goes against everything they've developed NT/2000/XP for.

3.) Microsoft doesn't want any type of competition in the marketplace
because once "shoppers" have "choice", then of course, the higher priced
item is the least purchased item. "Remember BeOS". Case in point.

4.) Microsoft doesn't want the world to know that it's the primary
leading cause for massive security breeches, network traffic problems,
virus problems, trojan problems and outages.

5.) Microsoft doesn't want the world to know that it still hasn't put
out ONE product that was complete and finished - therefore they abhor
software products that are complete and finished and require no
upgrade/updates - their business plan is built around a constant upgrade
cycle - which means that no software product produced is every complete,
finished or bug-free.

6.) Any Microsoft OS (ANY) cannot and will never be truly secure or
stable in any sense of the word. The amount of Win-machines that CAN
stay up for very long periods of time are very few and far between -
whereas the amount of non-Windows machines that can achieve this are
very common - and they're not locked up in computer labs, either...One
of the only ways a Microsoft machine can maintain a high "uptime" count
is when it's not being touched by a person, not being updated/upgraded
and it's only doing a rather simple job (like file serving/print serving
only). Microsoft hates hearing about any other OS that can maintain
averages of more than a month in uptime with normal usage.

7.) Microsoft knows that every single product they put out has a high
price tag to it - even the free ones - and when "John Q. Public"
realises that there are better products for free, they'll be the losers.

8.) Microsoft loves to throw a spin on everything they do and say - much
to the consternation of the "thinking" and "educated" public; they
cannot simply state anything - even so simple as "Well, we know our
product needs to be fixed and we're working on that" - they constantly
and consistently push blame off to either the PURCHASER/END USER or
somewhere else - Microsoft is getting seriously afraid of the public
finally standing up and saying "What the fsck are you talking about
here? Get to the point! State the truth!" - because they can't.

9.) No "giants" live forever. Microsoft CANNOT live forever and they
know this - hence they're trying to suck every single dollar out of
anyone that they can - and they don't care who they step on to do this.
Bill Gates' new double chin needs company - and he's shooting for a

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
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