I have (I should say I had) the same prob as you.
To solve it, tweak with the file /etc/X11/xf86config
file. U need to do it manually b/c Xconfigurator is
uselss when it comes to configuring Sis6326.

   For example, u'll see that the Option "no_accel" is
commented out. Uncomment it. There's few others u need
to tweak.

   But I warn you even with the tweaking, u will gete
very bad performance (ex. color and refresh rate) for
some odd reason.

--- peacemkr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mandrake 6.1 ..
> using xconf 
> I can't get beyond the background and a bunch of
> white squares where the icons
> should be. any right clicks bring up the menus but
> with blacked out lines.
> I have used the proper Horz & Vert info for monitor.
> I have been trying the generic SiS6326 video card.
> Is it possiable I should use one of the other 6326
> cards instead?
> Anyone else running the hot 161 card? What did you
> choose as the vidio cards?
> Thanks,
> Sam


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