First tip: turn off HTML in your mail client when posting to this list.
Plenty of us use mail clients that don't handle HTML too well, and tend to
disregard posts using HTML- or flame those who use it.

How are you booting into the installation?  Off the CD, or do you use a
boot floppy?  Also, it would be nice to quote exactly any error text you
get.  You're right - vague desciptions of errors aren't too often useful.

In my experience, when you change the default settings for LILO in the
installation, you usually get problems.  You might do well to take the
default and change it after you get your system running.

Regarding errors, you'll find them on the third and fourth consoles, I
think (been too long since I last re-installed).  Too see them, press
Alt-F3 or Alt-F4 at any time.  To get back to the install (which runs on
virtual console 1), press Alt-F1.

Can you tell us anything more?

-Matt Stegman

On Sat, 16 Oct 1999, granduke wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> this is the first time I get on list. 
> I have tried to install Mandrake 6.0 on my Pentium, 2Gb, computer
> without success. Two main problems occcur me:
> first - when the installation process gets to the rescue disk step it
> doesn't seem to find a diskette driver (the light doesn't turn on at any
> moment) and then obliges me to ommit this step.
> Second - After the diskette driver problem has occured LILO is not able
> to install itself, I have tryed all possible options given in the
> installation menus. My hard disk is recognized by LBA mode.
> So, after all these things I have all inside but I'm not able to reboot
> because I have no LILO installed nor a system disk to boot from.
> Can anyone help me??
> I guess I will have tu put on some more information in order to bring
> you a consistent clue, but at the moment my knowledge about Linux is
> limited so when you were so kind to do so ask me whatever you find
> necessary.
> Thank you very much in advance

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